Is now a good time to start your lab based business?
Latest NewsWith the recent turbulence and uncertainties, it is not surprising that many of us are reassessing our future career options. The last year has come with its fair share of challenges, but the team of entrepreneurs and industry experts behind…

The top 5 benefits of renting lab space
Latest NewsRenting lab space allows companies to expand flexibly on their own terms, to develop R&D without the expense of building units; and for existing R&D teams to scale up, with minimal overheads.
Without the option to rent lab space the…

Relocating your business to Waterford
Latest NewsThinking of relocating, but not sure where? The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the move to remote working and driven an increase in those looking to relocate away from large cities. For businesses looking to relocate, Waterford offers a thriving…

Patsy Carney discusses new rent a lab space in podcast
Latest NewsIn the latest Science of Business podcast episode, Patsy Carney, Director of Kinetic Labs discusses Ireland’s new rent a lab facility and incubator space for the life sciences sector in Waterford City.
Rent a lab at Kinetic Labs

Kinetic Labs opens new laboratories for rent in Waterford
Latest NewsKinetic Labs opens brand new laboratories in Waterford. From the start of January 2021, start-ups and established companies in the South East requiring wet laboratory space can rent it through Kinetic Labs. The laboratories constructed with…

Accessing lab facilities and funding in the South East
Latest NewsSo, you need more lab space? Design, create and build your own lab facilities in the heart of the South East with Kinetic Labs.
The ability of start-ups and established companies to find appropriate wet lab facilities is a key constraint…

Renting lab space as a start-up science company
Latest NewsFinding affordable lab space can be challenging for many start-up science-based companies. Having access to a flexible lab space in the right location with the option to use a single shared bench space right through to a fully customised laboratory…